Tuesday, March 10, 2009

You Mean This Stuff Actually Works?!

Just returned from a client meeting with some good news. A recent media placement generated a record turnout over the weekend at the Kohler Waters Spa at Burr Ridge Village Center, which is owned and managed by our client, Opus North Corp.

Here's how it went down. Last fall, Taylor Johnson & Olesker Account Executive Morgan Brickley attended a PR-media networking event where she met Janet Davies, veteran Chicago news anchor and host of the popular TV show "190 North". Morgan pitched Janet a tour of the new spa, and the segment finally aired on Sunday, March 1. The following Saturday, March 7, Kohler had a record 105 appointments - more than they booked for Valentine's Day, which was also on a Saturday! Despite the economy, despite the fact that it was just a regular old weekend, the success of this pitch proved that if you can reach the right audiences through the right channels, you can achieve positive results.

1 comment:

PeterRaisch said...

Way to go Morgan! Keep it up guys.